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Nnedi Okorafor ”Who Fears Death” to be adapted by HBO into TV series

Nnedi Okorafor

The Nigerian blogosphere has been buzzing with news about  Nnedi Okorafor novel ”Who Fears Death”.

According to news making the round, the Nigerian author’s novel is set to be adapted by HBO into a TV series.

Nnedi disclosed the good news on her Facebook page;

“Note: This did not happen overnight. It’s been nearly 4 years coming.”
She adds much later in her post:
“I am very involved. I also know George well (we met in 2014 and stayed in touch); he’s been a sort of mentor to me through all this. and all those involved know what this story is; onyesonwu is in good good hands.”

She also shared the synopsis of the movie on twitter;

“Who Fears Death,” tells the story of a woman, Onyesonwu, living in post-apocalyptic Sudan, where the dark-skinned Okeke people live as second class citizens oppressed and routinely murdered by the lighter-skinned Nuru.
Onyesonwu’s mother was an Okeke woman who was raped by her Nuru father who, like Onyesonwu, possesses a variety of magical abilities.

George RR Martin, author of “Game of Thrones,” is set to be the executive producer of the show.

George RR Martin

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